0330 174 9900
Warlies Park House
Horseshoe Hill
Upshire, Essex
0330 174 9900
Warlies Park House
Horseshoe Hill
Upshire, Essex
0330 174 9900
Warlies Park House
Horseshoe Hill
Upshire, Essex
Our team and processes are designed to help train your team to be more secure
Delivering the benefits of outsourcing cyber training to provide your staff with knowledge from experts in the field, how to spot common and new techniques to captor your details or even to convince you send funds to locations that are not approved.
Simulated phishing training is hypothetical, overly general, and detached from reality. For phishing training to be effective, it must be contextual and delivered when users need it most: when they’ve been phished.
Unlike generic phishing simulations created with templates, our Threat Coach features real phishing emails and webpages If a user interacts with a phishing email, Threat Coach alerts the user and delivers a short interactive quiz that evaluates their phishing awareness.
Training content is prioritized and delivered automatically to employees based on your preferences and prioritization of the curriculum.
delivering quick, in-the-moment micro-training experiences that affirm good behavior and transform failures into fun and engaging learning opportunities.
Choose the most globally risk-relevant awareness topics, or select what’s most important to your company.
Know which groups are performing great, which ones need help, and measure progress.